What is a Carer?
A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction cannot cope without their support.
You are a Young Carer if you do this role and are under 18 years of age.
If you are looking after someone, we would like you to let us know so we can provide the support and information you might need.
You can be added to our Practice Carers Register and we can then give you further information and support.
Carer’s Champion
A Carers Champion is a Staff member at the Practice who supports Carers.
The Carers Champion at the Practice is: Yvette Cook
Carer’s Hub
The Carers Hub Service (CHS) is a free and confidential support service for carers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Carers can get information, advice and support by contacting the Carers Hub on 0808 802 1777, lines are open Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm.
or message via Text or WhatsApp on 07814678460.
You can also make contact using the following methods: Website
Email: [email protected]
Information and support for Carers provided by Nottingham City Council can be found here or by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 0300 131 0300.
Carers Leave Act
The Carers Leave Act 2023 comes into effect in April 2024. But what does it mean? How will it affect you as a working carer and what do you need to know? See link below for more information:
Carers Leave Act 2023 Infographic
Emergency card for carers
An emergency card for carers identifies you as a carer in the event of an emergency. The card does not give any personal information, but provides a phone number anyone can call.
Staff from Nottingham Country Council answering the phone will take any action you have agreed with them like:
- contact family/friends to let them know there is an emergency
- visit the person you care for and arrange emergency help.
Why do I need an emergency card?
In the event of an emergency you will have:
- emergency cover 24 hours a day
- peace of mind that in the event of an emergency the person you care for will be looked after.
Who can apply for a card?
You can apply for an emergency card if you are:
- a carer
- a cared for person living in Nottinghamshire (excluding Nottingham City) and over 18 years-old.
Click to Apply for an emergency card for carers – Nottinghamshire County Council